Mountainview Church Audio
Every week we open God's Word to gain Biblical insight on how to encounter Jesus, share the Gospel, and face the challenges of daily life. Our focus is a literal interpretation of Scripture brought into the relevancy of our culture. Mountainview Church is a member of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches (FEB). www.Mountainview.church
542 episodes
Judge Not, that you be Not Judged
That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough TeachingsThis week we look at a topic that we are all familiar with, judgement. We have all, no doub...

Seek First the Kingdom of God
That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough TeachingsPrioritizing God Above Else.Series: That Thing Jesus Said: Unders...

Do Not Be Anxious
That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough TeachingsTrusting in God's Provision (Communion Sunday)Series: That Thing J...

Be Perfect as Your Heavenly Father
That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough TeachingsPursuing Completeness and MaturitySeries: That Thing Jesus Said: U...

Love Your Enemies
Series: That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough TeachingsBOTTOM LINE: Embracing Compassion in a Divided WorldSCRIPTURE READING: Matthew 5:43-48 (ESV)This week in That Thing Jesus Said, we’re t...

Turn the Other Cheek
That Thing Jesus Said: Understanding Jesus’ Tough TeachingsFinding Strength in ForgivenessSeries: That Thing Jesus Said: Unde...

Sabbath Sunday: Rest In His Kingship (Communion, In Home Gatherings)
Advent: The Newborn KingThe Lamb who was slain became the King who will reign.Series: Advent: The Newborn KingSpeaker: Je...

Christmas Eve: The Newborn King
Advent: The Newborn KingThe Newborn King, Salvation He'll BringSeries: Advent: The Newborn KingSpeaker: Jeremy Norton

4th Advent: Love of God
Advent: The Newborn KingWe can know the Love of God through JesusSeries: Advent: The Newborn KingSpeaker: Aaron Mones

3rd Advent: Joy Overflowing
Joy Is Found When Jesus Is CrownedSeries: Advent: The Newborn KingSpeaker: Jeremy NortonScripture: Luke 1:39-56

2nd Advent: Prince of Peace
Advent: The Newborn KingPeace With God, Peace Within, Peace ForeverSeries: Advent: The Newborn KingSpeaker: Jeremy NortonScriptu...

1st Advent: Hope Fulfilled
Advent: The Newborn KingWorldly Hope Fades, Jesus’ Hope EnduresSeries: Advent: The Newborn KingSpeaker: Jeremy NortonScripture: ...

Daniel: Called to Stand Up
Stand for God, and He’ll stand with you.Series: Called by GodSpeaker: Jeremy NortonScripture: Daniel 6:1-13#Daniel #God

Esther: Called to Move Up
Upward movement requires calling and courage.Series: Called by GodSpeaker: Jeremy NortonScripture: Esther 3:12-4:9

David: Called to Lift Up
Lift God up in reverence, be lifted up in joy.Series: Called by GodSpeaker: Jeremy NortonScripture: 2 Samuel 6:5-15 (ESV)#God

Hannah: Called to Look Up
When life pulls you down, look up to God.Series: Called by GodSpeaker: Jeremy NortonScripture: 1 Samuel 1:1-11 ESV#Jesus ...

Ruth: Called to Rise Up
In whom does your hope for the future reside when you reach the end of yourself?Series: Called by GodSpeaker: Aaron MonesScripture: Ruth 1:1-22#God

Joshua: Called to Step Up
God doesn’t call us to be ready—He calls us to be willing.Series: Called by GodSpeaker: Jeremy NortonScripture: Joshua 1:1-9#God

Moses: Called to Speak Up
When God calls you to speak up, He provides the Way and the Words.Series: Called by GodSpeaker: Jeremy NortonScripture: Exodus 3:1-15#Jesus

Joseph: Called to Let Up
This Passage teaches us the keys that Joseph applied to Letting Up and moving On. Humility that acknowledges God's role in Judgment and punishment not us and Faith that God will transform the evil things that happen to us into good. These two k...

Abraham: Called to Renounce
Prioritize peace and godly values over temporary worldly gains.Series: Called By GodSpeaker: Herber CamposScripture: Genesis 13: 1-18 (NIrV)#CalledByGod

You Belong Women's Conference
Join us for a meaningful evening with See Hear Love! Discover the brave faith stories of Canadian women. Be part of an evening that promises to touch hearts and inspir...